Reviews of Hippo shows

Anagrams!  Now organized chronologically by show date.

Geekfest, July 20, 1997.   Journey to the end of the Universe.

Stork Club, 1st show, August 13, 1997.   Night of the Living Santas.

CoCo Club, November 16, 1997.   I laughed!  I cried! It was better than "Starship Troopers"!
Stork Club #2, September 13, 1997.  An extended night of Hippo Bliss.  Ooh baby.

Casa Zimbabwe benefit show, November 22, 1997.

Graduation Party, May 21, 2001. From the perspective of a lucky attendee. Unfortunately he missed a few of the innumerable highlights: breakdancing, a flute solo, and trumpet accompaniment to B.A.D.'s "Rush."

Here's the continuing gigography, but unfortunately further show reviews have been cancelled. 

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